As an slamming Motheriskā€™s hair analysis program, which led to an untold number of children being taken away from their parents after they failed the now-discredited drug-screening test, one father is speaking up about how the program ā€œdestroyedā€ his family when it stripped them of their little girl.

ā€œI feel I was treated wrongly and unfairly and they accused me of something that I didnā€™t do,ā€ the man, who cannot be identified because of child privacy laws, told Ā鶹“«Ć½. ā€œAnd itā€™s the little girl who suffers more out of all this than myself and my family.ā€

According to the man, his daughter was taken to a Childrenā€™s Aid Society (CAS) location by her mother when she was just eight-months-old. Accused of being a drug user, the man was told that he had to undergo a hair test before he could have access to his child.

ā€œThe results came back with cocaine and crack and methamphetamines in my system,ā€ the man said. ā€œI almost passed out and hit the floor when I saw the results, because it was so totally untrue. In my lifetime, I have never used any of those drugs.ā€

The CAS case workers, however, stood by the now-discredited test, the man said.

ā€œAfter a couple of months and a couple more tests, I ended up losing access rights to my daughter,ā€ he lamented. ā€œShe was put up for adoption and I havenā€™t seen her since she was two years old.ā€

Nearly six years later, the man still mourns the fact that he canā€™t watch his daughter grow up.

ā€œShe doesnā€™t get to visit with her brothers or sisters,ā€ he said. ā€œShe never got to meet her grandmother or grandfatherā€¦ She never got a chance to do things with her dad.ā€

The man dreams of being reunited with his little girl, but believes the chances of that happening are ā€œslim to none.ā€

ā€œItā€™s been so many years now, I donā€™t think she would know who I was anymore,ā€ he explained. ā€œAnd with all the court systems and the CAS matters, I donā€™t feel that will ever happen.ā€

Tragically, he may be right.

ā€œThe decisions we make in child protection are often devastating and irrevocable,ā€ retired provincial court judge Judith Beaman, who led the independent commission into Motherisk, said on Monday. "That is why it is critical that only reliable evidence and a fair process be used in the service of making those decisions."

ā€œThereā€™s lots of people out there like me,ā€ the man added. ā€œI hope they can somehow, someway reunite these families with their children.ā€

Still, the man said that he is planning on filing a lawsuit following revelations about Motheriskā€™s faulty drug-testing methods.

ā€œThere is no way to put a price or a figure or anything on a child,ā€ he acknowledged. ā€œSheā€™s gone. I havenā€™t seen her in almost six years.ā€

Nothing, he added, will ever erase the pain of losing his daughter.

ā€œMotherisk indeed destroyed my family,ā€ he said. ā€œIf they didnā€™t do these faulty tests or agree with the Childrenā€™s Aid to do these faulty tests, we would still have my daughter right now and she would still be able to play and sheā€™d be able to see her family.ā€

In a statement emailed to Ā鶹“«Ć½, the blasted the independent commission into Motherisk for not consulting "disposed" parents, like the unnamed father.

ā€œVictims did not get to participate in the commission,ā€ the statement said. ā€œI donā€™t think the commissionā€™s report is fair at all to the stolen children or their familiesā€¦ How are we as a province and country going to prevent this from occurring again in the future without a true public inquiry?ā€

With files from Ā鶹“«Ć½ā€™ medical affairs specialist Avis Favaro and producer Elizabeth St. Philip and a report from The Canadian Press