There is much ado about wearable devices to track your fitness, calories, and sleep, but do they make any real difference in the wearer's daily habits? A new U.K. survey sponsored by Fitbit, a maker of such devices, says yes, that half of those who wear a tracking device report "strong behaviour change."

A survey by the Trajectory Group questioned 1,005 people between the ages of 18 and 54 in April 2013, reports.

Findings showed that 25 per cent of adults between the ages of 25 and 34 said they "run their lives through their smartphone," and 25 per cent of those between 25 and 44 years old said motivational prompts through their smartphone have a big impact on their actions. The data comes from Fitbit Healthy Futures Report, a study on mobile device impact health and fitness in the U.K., Mobihealthnews reports.

Last January's Pew Internet and American Life Project found that seven in 10 American adults are self-tracking their fitness and health -- but only a fifth are relying on technology to do the job, with the other half keeping tabs "in their heads," the report said. The latest survey found that seven in 10 adults track their health in their heads.

The new survey found that 31 per cent self-tracked their health and fitness via computer program, website, or mobile device, while 23 per cent used paper.

Also when asked about their motivations for tracking their health, 46 per cent said to feel good, while 23 per cent said to look good, and 19 per cent said to perform well.