HALIFAX - Maverick Nova Scotia MP Bill Casey says new offshore deal or not, Prime Minister Stephen Harper has broken the trust of Nova Scotians.

Casey, who was thrown out of the federal Conservative caucus for voting against a spring budget he maintains changed the 2005 Atlantic Accord, says he's still not sure about the details of the new deal.

But he says it appears Harper did something he said he wouldn't do in agreeing to enrich the equalization formula Nova Scotia chooses in order to make up for clawbacks on offshore revenue.

Casey says that would "fly completely in the face'' of Ottawa's intent to have one equalization system for the whole country.

He says while he hopes the new deal proves lucrative for Nova Scotia, the federal Conservatives are mistaken if they think bringing a "truckload of money'' will win back the trust of voters in the province.

Casey, who will not be welcomed back into the Tory fold despite the new deal, says he still intends to run as an Independent candidate in his riding of Cumberland-Colchester Muquodoboit Valley.