Canada's military presence in Afghanistan figured prominently in end-of-year messages from the prime minister and the Governor General.

Prime Minister Stephen Harper said his highlight of 2006 was visiting Canada's troops, diplomats and aide workers in war-ravaged Afghanistan.

"We should be very proud of them, of their courage and commitment, of their skill and professionalism," he said in his year-end message.

"Through their selfless acts, these brave men and women are protecting our security interests and making a real difference in the lives of the long-suffering Afghan people."

Harper made a surprise trip to Afghanistan in March, when he made it clear that the government's support for the troops is unwavering, and that he had no plans to back out of the country's commitment to help rebuild the country.

Gov. Gen. Michaelle Jean said she, too, is thinking about Canada's troops in Afghanistan, as well as the families of the soldiers.

"My thoughts are especially with our soldiers in Afghanistan and their loved ones who have endured great hardship," Jean said in her year-end message.

"Indeed, they are making great sacrifices."

Half of Jean's four-minute recorded message was dedicated to her recent trip to Africa.

"I crossed the African continent from Algeria, Mali and Ghana to South Africa and back north to Morocco," she noted.

"Each and every moment of the trip was unique and reinforced my belief that we have far too few opportunities to witness Africa's bright, hopeful side."

Jean said it's important to share her vision of Africa with Canadians because it's a continent full of promise -- just as Canada is a nation of opportunity.

"I will never forget the faces of women, men and children who have chosen hope over pessimism, action over a sense of hopelessness," she said.

"They are people who are changing an entire continent, one step at a time.

"I pay tribute to them on behalf of all Canadians, sharing our admiration and friendship."

In his message, Harper also touched on several other highlights of 2006, including Canada's participation in the Winter Olympics in Turin, Italy, where "our athletes made us all so proud," as well as Canada Day and Remembrance Day, adding that Canada remains a strong, united country.

"Without a doubt, 2006 was a great year for Canada," said Harper.

"Our economy has been strong, our country united and Canada took a lead role on the world stage."