NEW YORK - Foxy Brown has been charged with assault and possession of a weapon -- her cellphone -- for allegedly hitting a neighbour with her BlackBerry.

Brown is on probation after pleading guilty to assault in a 2004 dispute over payment for a manicure at a nail salon. The latest arrest could lead to her probation being revoked.

"We have filed a violation of probation with the court," said Jack Ryan, a spokesman for the city Department of Probation.

She was arrested Tuesday for allegedly assaulting Arlene Raymond, 25, who lives near Brown in the Prospect Heights section of Brooklyn, on July 30. Police said the two women got into a fight over Brown blasting her car stereo.

Raymond alleged that a few days later, they passed each other on the street and Brown hurled her BlackBerry at her, cutting her lip and knocking a tooth loose.

The rapper, whose real name is Inga Marchand, was released on US$50,000 bail after being arraigned Tuesday. Her manager, Chaz Williams, said the charges were false.

Brown's lawyer, state Sen. John Sampson, didn't immediately respond to requests Thursday for comment.

Earlier this year, Brown was accused of violating probation in an incident at a hair salon in Florida. Police said she threw hair glue at a beauty shop employee.

She was threatened with jail in that incident but was restored to probation in good standing in June by a Manhattan judge, who said she had kept appointments with her probation officer, passed drug tests and attended required anger management classes.