BERLIN - The U.S. Food and Drug Administration has approved a new use of Bayer Schering Pharma AG's drug YAZ to allow it to be used to treat moderate acne in women who also want to use an oral contraceptive for birth control, the company said Monday.

With the approval, YAZ becomes the first oral contraceptive approved by the FDA for three distinct uses, Bayer said in a statement. In addition to being approved for birth control use and now for acne control, it is also approved to treat the emotional and physical symptoms of premenstrual dysphoric disorder.

"YAZ is the fastest growing oral contraceptive brand in the U.S.," said Phil Smits, head of Bayer Schering Pharma's women's healthcare unit. "We are convinced that through its unique features, YAZ will further strengthen our worldwide leading market position in the field of female contraception."