Despite a busy agenda that included dining with the Queen and meeting with outgoing British Prime Minister Theresa May, U.S. President Donald Trump still found time during his U.K. visit to lash out at his foes, which included singer Bette Midler of all people.

At approximately 1 a.m. local time Wednesday, in which he described the famed singer and actor as a “washed up psycho†after she posted a meme with a fake quote attributed to him.

“Washed up psycho @BetteMidler was forced to apologize for a statement she attributed to me that turned out to be totally fabricated by her in order to make ‘your great president’ look really bad,†he wrote. “She got caught, just like the Fake News Media gets caught. A sick scammer!â€

On Monday, in his younger days with an accompanying quote attributed to Trump in a 1998 People Magazine interview.

“If I were to run, I’d run as a Republican. They’re the dumbest group of voters in the country. They believe anything on Fox News. I could lie and they’d still eat it up. I bet my numbers would be terrific,†the quote on the image said.

Later that day, Midler deleted the tweet and apologized for sharing the image.

“This quote turns out to be a fake from way back in ‘15-16. Don’t know how I missed it, but it sounds SO much like him that I believed it was true!†she wrote.

Midler also shared a link with a story from the Reno Gazette Journal that debunked the widely shared meme. It’s not the first time the pair has swapped barbs as Midler regularly criticizes Trump on her Twitter account.

Around the time he posted his tweet about Midler, Trump also took aim at other political foes, including former and .