The city of Ottawa is cashing in on the Pokemon Go craze -- through parking tickets.

Over the August long weekend, bylaw officers issued 264 tickets in and around the city’s Dick Bell Park. Worth almost $12,000, many of the tickets were given to illegally parked cars or cars that had stuck around after the park closed at 11p.m.

"There were vehicles everywhere," Scott Campbell, program manager for Ottawa's bylaw enforcement unit, told CTV Ottawa. "On the lawns, on the grass, and even the entrances."

The park has become a favourite haunt for players of the mobile game, with rare digital creatures frequently popping up, especially at night. Hundreds of people can be found with their eyes glued to their smartphones in the park at any given time since the game launched in July.

"There are three Pokémon stops and people often lure them," avid player Jennifer Jean told CTV Ottawa. "That brings in more Pokemon.â€

Some players take extra precautions, like grabbing an Uber to the park. But for many others, the chance of nabbing a rare pocket monster is worth a fine.

With files from CTV Ottawa.