TORONTO -- A pair of outspoken Hollywood actors tweeted their scorn for U.S. President Donald Trump’s airstrike in Iraq, garnering a mix of backlash and support Friday.

“Charmed” actress Rose McGowan, 46, tweeted an apology to Iran, writing that Americans “are being by a terrorist regime… Please do not kill us.”

“High Fidelity” actor John Cusack, 53, tweeted about Trump’s action, which he called “ 101 mode.”

Trump’s airstrike on Friday that killed Iranian Gen. Qassem Soleimani has been met with fear and patriotism. Democratic presidential candidate and former U.S. Vice-President Joe Biden said it was like Trump had “tossed a stick of dynamite into a tinderbox.” Some online suggested that Trump may have started a Third World War while supporters celebrated the action.

Replies to Cusack and McGowan’s tweets include both sides, with some sharing their support, but much of the response falling on the malicious side, particularly on McGowan’s feed.

The actress has become a prominent political voice among celebrities in recent years, often weighing in on a variety of issues. She is well known for her involvement in the “Me Too” movement and her accusations against alleged sexual predator Harvey Weinstein.

Respondents implored McGowan to leave the country, and accused the actress of being on drugs and supporting a terrorist.

In a follow-up tweet early Friday morning, McGowan added that “of course” the Iranian general was an “evil evil man who did ,” but that that was “not the f***ing point.”

“The United States is morally corrupt and acts illegally. It is only logical to appeal to Iran’s pride by apologizing. I’m taking one for the team,” she wrote, adding the hashtag “Team Stay Alive.”

Cusack has fielded his share of detractors for his political opinions over the years as a blogger for The during the Bush administration, which he called “depressing, corrupt, unlawful, and tragically absurd.” He also criticized the Obama administration’s .

Cusack continued tweeting into Friday, writing that America should “remove this regime from power.”

“This is where the fascism ends -- in blood,” . “Remove this criminal syndicate masquerading as a gov(ernment).”

Iran's Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei has vowed “harsh retaliation” after Trump’s airstrike.

More airstrikes in Iraq were reported early Saturday, with one official declaring at least five members of a Iran-backed militia dead. The second attack came almost exactly 24 hours after Soleimani’s killing.