Legendary Beatle Paul McCartney photobombed a Winnipeg couple as they posed for their wedding photos.

McCartney, in town for a stop on his “Freshen Up†tour, was cycling through Winnipeg with his bodyguards when he stumbled upon the photo shoot.

In a Facebook post from MADIX Photography, McCartney is seen wearing a blue baseball cap and sunglasses. He approaches the happy couple, named in the post as Jennifer and Steven, and is then seen chatting with them.

“My bride and groom totally made Sir Paul McCartney’s day!†the Facebook post reads.

McCartney’s final Canadian stop on the tour is Sunday in Edmonton.

So this happened....my bride and groom totally made Sir Paul McCartney’s day!

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So we are taking pictures of Jennifer and Steven and we run into Sir Paul McCartney....no big deal ��â€â™€ï¸. He took a pic with them....I feel like none of our other wedding pictures will matter now ��

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