Teenage climate change activist Greta Thunberg has tweeted a comedy sketch parodying “adults angry at a child.”

The skit by Australian comedian Mark Humphries went viral when it was tweeted Thursday and was later retweeted by the 16-year-old Swede who captioned the post,

“Hi, I’m a middle-aged man with an embarrassing problem,” a seated Humphries says in the intro to the two minute 20 second video.

“I get irrationally angry at a Swedish girl who wants to save the planet.”

The spoof goes on to show various irate callers sharing their various complaints with the “Greta Thunberg Helpline.”

Since appearing on the world stage Thunberg has suffered a barrage of criticism online from climate deniers calling her alongside conspiracy theories that she is a pawn of the left.

“We’ll listen, no matter how ridiculous you sound,” the video’s narrator says.

“It’s OK, we understand that children acting like adults, can make adults act like children.”

Callers claim Thunberg’s “just fuelling needless anxiety.”

“She’s making the end of the world sound like it’s the end of the world,” one caller says.

“If she‘s so concerned about renewable energy, how come she doesn’t wear one of those baseball caps with the solar panel and the fan on the top?” another asks.

Thunberg spoke at the UN in New York this week and addressed thousands at a climate march in Montreal today.

Earlier this week, U.S. President Donald Trump appeared to tease Thunberg in a tweet.

“She seems like a very happy young girl looking forward to a bright and wonderful future,” the president wrote. “So nice to see!”

Thunberg appeared to troll Trump Tuesday by briefly changing her bio to the president’s description.

Hundreds of thousands of people are participating in coordinated marches in cities around the world on September 27.