HALIFAX - Liberal Leader Stephane Dion says he respects Saskatchewan MP Gary Merasty's decision to quit federal politics.

Dion, in Halifax for a speaking engagement, says he's aware of the strain travelling puts on families and that Merasty has had an incredible political career.

Merasty, the member for Desnethe-Missinippi-Churchill River, announced Wednesday that he is going to step down from caucus.

Merasty says he will be supportive of the Liberal party for "as long as he's around'' and remains confident in Stephane Dion's leadership.

The 42-year-old Liberal MP says it is only a coincidence that the announcement of his departure coincides with the annual meeting of the Assembly of First Nations.

A former two-time Grand Chief of the Prince Albert Grand Council, Merasty is a member of the Peter Ballantyne Cree Nation.