NEW YORK - Leonardo DiCaprio, Halle Berry, Jennifer Aniston, Tobey Maguire, Eva Longoria Parker and other stars are using reverse psychology to get young people into voting booths on election day.

In a new public service announcement that hit YouTube and other online outlets Wednesday, DiCaprio says: "Please -- just don't vote." Others echo his plea: "Don't vote."

But the stars soon twist the message: Voting is a civic duty and the only way to effect change.

"I mean, seriously, ... after this whole video -- if you're not gonna vote, I don't even know what to say. ... You know you have to vote," says DiCaprio, who produced the PSA.

Also appearing: Ellen DeGeneres, Forest Whitaker, Dustin Hoffman, Demi Moore, Sarah Silverman, Jonah Hill, Ashton Kutcher, Courteney Cox, Laura Linney, Natalie Portman, Jamie Foxx, Usher, Kyra Sedgwick and