VICTORIA - Full details about B.C.'s approach to tackling climate change won't be revealed until some time after the Liberal government throne speech Tuesday and the provincial budget a week later.

One year ago, Premier Gordon Campbell signalled his government's intention to take on climate change, promising to reduce greenhouse gas emissions by one third within a dozen years and making emission reduction targets law last fall.

And while he says this year's speech from the throne and the budget will both deal with global warming, the fine points will have to wait a bit.

Campbell says his climate action plan probably won't be ready for the public until a few weeks after the budget.

Then his specially appointed climate action team will comment on how B.C. can make its goals in an economically viable fashion while interim targets are set for 2012 and 2016.

For her part, Opposition Leader Carole James says Campbell is great when it comes to big ideas and goals, but he has so far failed to provide specifics and a real plan.