VICTORIA - Premier Christy Clark is adding small business tax incentives to her plan to boost jobs in British Columbia.

Clark says she is adding $3 million to the government's $30-million small business venture capital tax credit to attract investors to support new businesses.

She's also extending the $31-million apprenticeship tax credit program for another three years until 2014 to give employers more opportunities to hire and train skilled workers.

Clark says she's asked Finance Minister Kevin Falcon to lead a review of the province's tax system to make recommendations to ensure British Columbia has a system that better supports job creation and innovation.

The premier, who has been unveiling her jobs plan in stages this week during a provincewide tour, will release her entire strategy Thursday at a Vancouver Board of Trade luncheon.

So far, Clark says she wants to expand the Port of Prince Rupert, support liquefied natural gas exports from Kitimat and double the numbers of international students in B.C. in the next four years.