MONTREAL - Premier Jean Charest is taking heart from the appointment of Quebecers to head two key federal cabinet departments.

Charest pointed out that Quebecers hold the transport and industry portfolios, which could affect the future of the Davie shipyard near Quebec City and the rebuilding -- or the replacement -- of the Champlain Bridge, one of Montreal's major arteries.

The premier said Thursday he would like to see quick action on the bridge, saying it has essentially reached the end of its useful life. He said it's not a matter of if it should be rebuilt -- but rather when.

"He has a majority mandate so he has a lot of room to manoeuvre," Charest said of Harper after a speech to the Montreal Chamber of Commerce.

In announcing his new cabinet Wednesday, Harper named Christian Paradis as industry minister and gave Denis Lebel the transport portfolio.

Charest said Harper worked with what he had available. Only five Tories from Quebec won election on May 2. Four of them made it to cabinet.

"Ontario has, I think, 15 ministers," the premier noted. "We have four. Obviously, the numbers speak for themselves. But on the other hand, Quebecers chose to elect five Conservatives to the House of Commons, so Mr. Harper works with the number of MPs that he has.

"That being said, they have substantive responsibilities in two portfolios."

The premier said Harper likely won't be interested in fighting the battles of the last campaign and "he'll want to govern in the interests of the country."

"We look forward to a positive relationship and a good relationship. We feel this is an opportunity for us to have a fresh look at a number of issues, to look ahead."

The other Quebec Tories in the new cabinet are Veteran Affairs Minister Steven Blaney and Maxime Bernier, who is minister of state for tourism and small business.