A Canadian man who was shot and killed in southern Thailand on his 34th birthday had been poisoned just a month before his death, CTV.ca has learned.

Francis Alex Degioanni was shot in his car Thursday outside his condominium in Patong, where he lived with his 3-year-old daughter and girlfriend.

Two men on a motorcycle reportedly fired their guns at him, hitting him with several bullets.

Degioanni's father Mario lives in Val-des Monts, Que., and was informed of his adopted son's death on Thursday morning.

Charmaine Castonguay, who recently married Mario Degioanni, told CTV.ca on Friday that her husband is crushed.

Castonguay said Mario recently retired and sold his restaurant and had wanted to travel to Thailand to visit his son.

"It's almost surreal," Castonguay said Friday.

She said Degioanni called them after a visit to a Thailand hospital last month to say a former business partner of his had poisoned him.

"He said 'One of my partners, a female, stole some money from me and I think she tried to poison me and I think I'm going to have police protection,'" Castonguay said.

Castonguay said she and Mario pleaded with Degioanni to come home.

But Degioanni, a real estate developer and former model, said he had projects on the go that he couldn't leave.

Castonguay said the family "definitely" thinks that the shooting was related to Degioanni's ex-business partner.

Mario Degioanni's ex-wife, who also lives in Thailand, is now looking after the 3-year-old girl and hopes to return to Canada soon.

Castonguay said Degioanni's ex-wife, who is the mother of his child, took off to Japan after the girl's birth.

His present girlfriend Nanthawadee Phenjaroenwatthana told the Phuket Gazette that they were going to celebrate Degioanni's birthday the night he was shot.

In a statement to CTV.ca, Foreign Affairs spokesperson Lisa Monette confirmed that a Canadian was killed in Thailand but could not provide further details.