A stolen Vancouver dog that’s been missing for three years has been found in Winnipeg.

"[I was] surprised. You think about your pet all the time,†the dog’s owner Terra McCabe told CTV Vancouver after she was reunited with her Havanese pooch on Friday. “I'm so glad she's alive and I'm glad I get to see her again."

McCabe said her dog Daisy was stolen three years ago in Vancouver while tied up outside a grocery store and hadn’t been seen since.

But earlier this month McCabe received a call she never expected from Winnipeg Animal Services. The organization was calling to tell her Daisy had been found.

Daisy had been picked up by a local resident after she was found roaming the streets in Winnipeg and was put into the care of Animal Services.

Animal Services then used the tattoo in Daisy’s ear to track down her owner.

“She was very lucky that there was an old tattoo associated with this dog and through a lot of work, through the veterinary community, and through animal services, we were able to work as a team and get this dog back with its owner,†Winnipeg Animal Services’ Leland Gordon told CTV Winnipeg.

No one knows what Daisy has been up to since 2013 and no one knows how the now 13 year old dog ended up in Winnipeg, but McCabe has a theory.

"I think she probably escaped whoever got her and tried to find her way home because she's pretty feisty and she's pretty independent,†she said.

McCabe and Daisy had a happy and tearful reunion in Winnipeg on Friday.

Grateful to be back together, McCabe she will savour every minute with Daisy from now on.

She also got the pooch a new microchip, just in case.

With files from CTV Vancouver and CTV Winnipeg