SEAFORTH, N.S. -- The sad story of a seal pup named Valentine shows that despite the best efforts, not every animal can be saved, says the founder of a Halifax-area wildlife rehabilitation centre.

The grey seal pup was hit by a vehicle on a Nova Scotia road in early February and died of an infection nearly three weeks after being admitted for treatment at Hope for Wildlife in Seaforth, N.S.

"It is important for people to realize that this is our world and we are not always successful, that's for sure," said Hope Swinimer Monday. "We try our best and we lose a lot and we save a lot too."

The seal was found by an RCMP officer on a road in Pictou County on Feb. 10. Originally called Sammy, Swinimer said the seal was renamed Valentine because he was brought to the centre so close to Valentine's Day.

Swinimer said Valentine, which was about 20 days old when it was found, was in "rough shape" when it was brought to the centre on Feb 11.

"The bottom end had been run over," said Swinimer. "Once we did further testing we discovered the scapula was also broken . . . and that complicated things a lot."

Swinimer said the animal was relatively comfortable because of the pain medication that was used, but that comfort may have come at a price.

"We're not really sure, but we think the drugs to contain his pain covered up some of the signs that we would have noticed had there been no pain meds on board," she said.

Swinimer said the seal was also having trouble after eating fish, because it couldn't swim enough to help with its digestion.