A puppy in Toronto who lost his two front paws in a horrific act of animal cruelty is learning to walk normally again after receiving a pair of prosthetics.

CTV Toronto reported back in December that True, a mixed-breed puppy from Ukraine, had his two front legs cut off in an act of animal cruelty.

Ontario-resident Erin Blaak heard about True through , an organization that helps rescue dogs, and offered to give him a new home in Canada.

Once receiving True, Blaak began a GoFundMe campaign in hopes of raising $5,000 for a pair of prosthetic limbs to help the dog walk again.

“It just gives him an opportunity to have a real life and get back what was taken from him,†she told CTV Toronto on Thursday.

The campaign quickly exceeded expectations and ended up raising more than $20,000.

“As soon as the story hit, the GoFundMe went crazy,†Blaak said. “People from all over the country were donating.â€

True has now been outfitted with a new pair of prosthetics, but it will take time before he’s completely comfortable using them.

“It's like anyone who doesn't use their legs for a long time; you lose that muscle memory and you just can't walk right away,†Blaak said. “It takes months and months to gain the strength back.â€

Janine Ross, a K9 rehabilitation practitioner who’s working with True, said the plan is to get him comfortable with the prosthetics in a small training pool and increase his strength.

Blaak and Cause 4 Paws also founded “The True Fund,†which works to bring dogs with special needs to Canada. The organization has already brought two three-legged dogs to the country and is working on taking in a dog who’s missing its two hind legs.


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