WASHINGTON -- A new poll offers some insight into how American respondents see foreign leaders, including Canada's Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.

Americans have a more favourable than unfavourable view of Trudeau, according to the

It says he's viewed positively by 31 per cent of Americans, negatively by 20 per cent, and is unknown to almost half of respondents.

There's also a huge partisan divide in how he's seen: self-identified Democrats viewed him 43 per cent favourably, and 15 per cent unfavourably, while it was reversed among Republicans, 12 per cent of whom viewed him favourably and 28 per cent unfavourably.

Trudeau's net-favourable rating of 11 per cent matched that of Angela Merkel, who was better known to respondents.

Their net favourables were better than the other leaders in the survey, France's Emmanuel Macron and Britain's Theresa May, and far better than U.S. President Donald Trump -- whose net favourability in the poll was negative-14.

The survey of 811 registered voters was conducted June 9 to 11 by a mix of telephone and Internet, and is declared accurate to within 3.4 percentage points.