The prime minister's wife can carry a sick beat – even if she doesn't know she's doing it.

A few savvy audiophiles have remixed Sophie Gregoire-Trudeau's impromptu singing performance at a charity event on Monday, to make some soulful house versions of her song, "Smile Back at Me."

Gregoire-Trudeau delivered the original, surprise a capella performance at a Martin Luther King Day event in Ottawa, after listening to songs from others in attendance.

"Because I have heard my fellow human beings and friends here sing – this is not planned, trust me – I'm going to step up," Gregoire-Trudeau said at the event. "I'm going to sing you a song that I wrote for my daughter, Ella Grace, at a moment where I was going through a difficult time, and where I remind myself of all the hope that there is in one's life."

Gregoire-Trudeau's original performance has a touch of jazz to its delivery, but the remixed versions definitely sound more suited to a nightclub.

In a house remix posted on YouTube by , Gregoire-Trudeau can be heard humming and repeating lines like "my child," "the love that I feel" and "when you smile back at me."

YouTube user posted another, more faithful remix of the song, setting Gregoire-Trudeau's performance to an electronic beat.

The remixes are fairly entertaining, though perhaps not as good as .

The full lyrics to Gregoire-Trudeau's song are:

Some people doubt that angels can fly

Some people fight without knowing why

Some people live without seeing the light

Some people live, oh no no no, but not quite

And I know that good will prevail

And I can conquer the world

With all the love that I feel

When you smile back at me

When you smile back at me

I see it from the corner of your eye

The day that we will say goodbye

But nothing will take away

What's between you and me

When you smile back at me

When you smile back at me

When you smile, when you smile, when you smile….

I love you, my child.