Four Canadian cities have been ranked among the top 50 best for remote work worldwide, according to a from Preply, an online learning provider platform

The platform ranked 74 best cities in the world based on three factors including quality of life, climate and environment, and costs and safety. Each city was given a total score, with the best score representing the city's quality for professionals to work remotely.

According to the data from Preply, four Canadian cities including Ottawa, Montreal, Vancouver, and Toronto made it into the Top 50 best remote work cities.

Ottawa has secured the ninth position globally with a total score of 75 with a strong rating of 92 for quality of life and 80 for safety.

Following Ottawa, Vancouver claims the 36th position globally with a total score of 51. The pleasant climate and high quality of life scored well in the ranking but costs and safety ranked lower.

Montreal holds the 37th spot earning a total score of 58. The city excelled in the categories of costs and safety, offering an affordable and secure environment for remote workers.

Finally, Toronto takes 47th place globally with a total score of 40. Toronto scored well in costs and safety, however, the quality of life rating was lower, impacting its overall position in the ranking.

Brisbane, Australia was ranked as the best remote work city in the world with a total score of 100. Thanks to its beautiful and sunny weather, dynamic cultural precinct, and affordable costs.

Of the 74 cities considered in the report, Jakarta, Indonesia was ranked as the worst city for working remotely with low scores in all three categories of climate/environment, costs and safety, and quality of life.

Here are the top 10 best cities for remote work, according to Preply:

1- Brisbane, Australia

2- Lisbon, Portugal

3- Nicosia, Cyprus

4- Taipei, Taiwan

5- Ljubljana, Slovenia

6- Helsinki, Finland

7- Vienna, Austria

8- Auckland, New Zealand

9- Ottawa, Canada

10- Reykjavik, Iceland


Reporting for this story was paid for through The Afghan Journalists in Residence Project funded by Meta.