Immigration Minister Marc Miller has announced that Canada will prevent an Iranian former minister of health from becoming a temporary resident of Canada for 36 months, citing the regime's human rights record.

Seyed Hassan Ghazizadeh Hashemi served as the minister of health for the Iranian government from 2013 to 2019 under former president Hassan Rouhani.

As first reported by , a U.S.-based news outlet targeting the Persian diaspora, screenshots of a promotional video for Quebec’s tourism industry appear to show Hasemi walking through the streets of Montreal. 鶹ý has not independently verified the screenshots

"Mr. Hashemi, the former Minister of Health of the Islamic Republic of Iran, will be forbidden from returning to and entering Canada as a temporary resident," .

Under section 22 of the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act, the immigration minister has the power to deny temporary residency to a foreign national for up to 36 months if it is "justified by public policy considerations."

"The decision itself, as communicated to the individual, is tied to Iran’s disregard for human rights. The actions of the Iranian regime are reprehensible, and those who bear responsibility have no place in Canadian society," Miller added.