VICTORIA -- Premier Christy Clark suggested Monday she could become a victim of collateral damage that is spreading across her Liberal government over a leaked document that has already claimed one of her key staffers and a cabinet minister.

Clark announced Monday her Multiculturalism Minister John Yap is out of cabinet pending the outcome of a review of the controversial ethnic vote-winning strategy that was leaked by the NDP Opposition last week.

Clark said Yap stepped aside until a review of the leaked strategy is completed by her deputy minister John Dyble.

Yap, who never saw the report, joined Clark's former deputy chief of staff, Kim Haakstad, as victims of the January 2012 report. On Friday, Haakstad resigned without severance over the document.

Clark said there could be more action following the release of Dyble's report, and she didn't stop short when asked if any action could involve herself.

"Let's see what the report says," she said. "When the report comes out and we see what it recommends and tells us, I will take action and then we'll see what that means."

Yap told reporters Monday that he was taking responsibility for the contents of the report.

"This is an issue that involves multiculturalism and the responsibility rests with me as the current minister responsibility for multiculturalism."

Yap said he doesn't know who wrote the report, but since it falls under his ministry, he's decided to take the fall until the completion of Dyble's review, which he believes, will clear him.

"I, as you would have seen last Wednesday during question period, was caught completely off guard by this document," said Yap. "The document never hit my desk and some of the ideas in there and language used are completely unacceptable."

Yap's resignation was met with surprise by the Canadian Chinese National Council, who had been conducting meetings with Yap about a possible Liberal government apology about the former Chinese head tax.

"We thank Mr. Yap for his cabinet service and hope that he will return to the executive council soon," said CCNC executive director Victor Wong in a statement.

Burnaby North Liberal Richard Lee said the government is still working on a Chinese head tax apology, even though the ethnic vote strategy describes apologies for historic wrongs as quick wins for the government.

The Canadian government charged Chinese immigrants a head tax starting in the late 1800s to discourage immigration to Canada.

Ralph Sultan, the Minister of State for Seniors, is taking over Yap's duties.

The 17-page document at the centre of the controversy was emailed by Haakstad to several other Liberals via private emails.

Clark issued a third apology on Monday over the growing scandal, but this time her statement was made in the legislature.

The plan made several proposals to entice ethnic voters in the run-up to the May provincial election. It also suggested government resources could be used.

Clark said the document should never have been created.

"I want to apologize for the ideas in it and I want to apologize for the language in it as well," she said.

The premier said that if she could do this over again she would have been in the legislature herself on Feb. 28 to offer her personal apology for the strategy.

Deputy Premier Rich Coleman read an apology statement last week in the legislature on behalf of Clark who was in Vancouver at meetings.

Liberal caucus members leaving a meeting with Clark Monday at the legislature said they were united behind her, but were also awaiting the outcome of Dyble's review.

Clark met with her Liberal Party caucus less than 24 hours after announcing she wasn't quitting over the fallout from a controversial document.

Clark's cabinet ministers said Sunday they supported the premier even though mistakes had been made. Cultural Development Minister Bill Bennett calling the leaked document a "doozy" of a political gaff.