A determined B.C. man walked a 1,100-kilometre journey on Saturday to ask his long-time girlfriend to marry him.

Well, Tim Michalchuk actually hiked between Prince George and Vancouver to raise money for stem-cell treatment to help his love Shannon Dickson battle the multiple sclerosis robbing her of mobility and independence.

But at the end of the month-long journey Saturday, he took off his hat and got down on one knee just outside UBC Hospital where Dickson is being treated.

“I need you to do me a favour and tell me if you’ll marry me,” he said, handing her a ring.

“Of course I will. In a heartbeat,” she answered, as the couple’s two children, seven and four, looked on.

Dickson learned she had MS about six years ago but her condition really began to deteriorate in December. She can’t walk without support or get in and out of bed alone. She’s also lost the ability to wash or brush her hair.

“I have no feeling in the left side of my body or my right leg,” Dickson told CTV Vancouver. “When I’m over-tired or I’ve pushed myself too far, I develop a head tick.”

Michalchuk says Dickson, who also has four adult children and a new grandchild, has a spark for life.

“She was always so full of life. To see that dimmed in any way is heartbreaking.”

So he set out on this trek, calling it .

“I’m almost a little sad to say it’s over,” he said, joking that he still doesn’t have his “high school body” back after wearing through a pair of shoes and coping with bruised shins and blistered feet.

“I'd go to the end of the world for this woman and back if it meant helping her out even just a little bit,” he said. “But isn't that what we're supposed to do?”

The couple is hopeful expensive stem-cell treatment can reverse some of the effects of the disease.

“The stem cells should actually repair some of the nerves, and get her back on her feet where she was before,” Michalchuk told CTV Vancouver. “We want to rewind the clock a little bit and hopefully hold it there as long as we can.”

The couples’ has raised more than $11,000 of a $32,000 goal for Dickson’s treatment.A m