An 18-month international investigation has resulted in 124 arrests linked to illicit steroid labs -- the largest bust of its kind in U.S. history.

Operation Raw Deal was a wide ranging probe by the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration with the assistance of nine other countries including Canada.

In total, 56 laboratories used for manufacturing anabolic steroids and human growth hormone were seized by authorities, according to a release on the U.S. Drug Enforcement Administration .

Charges ranged from conspiracy to import anabolic steroids to conspiracy to launder money.

"The investigation represents the largest steroid enforcement action in U.S. history and took place in conjunction with enforcement operations in nine countries worldwide," the news release stated.

"The Internal Revenue Service, Immigration and Customs Enforcement, Federal Bureau of Investigation, and the National Drug Intelligence Center also played key roles in the investigation."

In total 143 search warrants were issued during the investigation.

Investigators seized 11.4 million steroid doses in the raids across the U.S., and more than 200 kilograms of raw powder that came from China and is used as a key ingredient to manufacture steroids.

Police also seized:

  • $6.5 million in cash
  • 25 vehicles
  • Three boats
  • 27 pill presses
  • 71 weapons

The DEA said the arrests -- which range from manufacturers in China who supply the raw materials to the U.S. traffickers who market the drug -- represents a major blow to the drug industry.

"Operation Raw Deal uncovered a clandestine web of international drug dealers who lurk on the Internet for young adults craving the artificial advantage of anabolic steroids," said DEA Administrator Karen P. Tandy in a release.

"Today we reveal the truth behind the underground steroid market: dangerous drugs cooked up all too often in filthy conditions with no regard to safety, giving Americans who purchase them the ultimate raw deal."

China, Mexico, Australia, Belgium, Denmark, Germany, Sweden and Thailand all played a role in the investigation.

The four-pronged strategy focused on raw material manufacturers and suppliers in China and elsewhere, underground laboratories in the U.S., Canada and Mexico, U.S. websites selling steroid-related items, and online bodybuilding discussion boards where the products are often marketed.