It’s that time of year again: Canada’s beloved Girl Guides are selling their cookies door to door, but this time a $5 bill won’t cover it.

The Girl Guides of Canada (GGC) has announced it will be raising its iconic Classic Chocolate and Vanilla Sandwich cookies by 20 per cent, from $5 a box to $6 a box, due to the rising costs of baking and shipping.

“This modest increase – the first price increase in over a decade – allows Girl Guide members to continue to raise the same amount of funds with these tasty treats,” the organization said on their website.

About 95,000 girls and women take part in GGC every year.

“We provide girls age 5-17 with the opportunity to try new experiences, challenge themselves and build their confidence, all within a safe environment,” the GGC website says. “Our volunteers help deliver a unique program that encourages girls to build life skills in outdoor adventure, financial literacy, mental health, advocacy and more.”

According to their annual report, in 2021 GGC guides raised almost $8.5 million from cookie fundraising sales, down 50 per cent from 2020. Over four million boxes of Girl Guide cookies are sold each year across the country.

The price hike follows GGC’s American counterpart, Girl Scouts, who raised their cookie box prices by a dollar last fall. Girl Scouts of the United States blamed sales losses on COVID-19 and inflation.

If your favourite Girl Guide cookie is mint, you’re in luck. Girl Guides will be selling their 2022 batch of mint cookies for $5 a box until this fall.

GGC cookie sales began in B.C last weekend and will continue across Canada until June. You can find your local Girl Guides cookie spot by using the Cookie Finder.