Airbnb has launched an emergency program that will house refugees and stranded Muslim travellers for free in response to the US travel ban that is creating chaos at airports around the world.

Following President Donald Trump's executive order barring travellers from seven countries from entering the US for three months, Airbnb CEO Brian Chesky was quick to react on Twitter, announcing plans to provide free housing to refugees and those affected by the Muslim travel ban.

Trump's executive order also suspends the entire US refugee admissions system for 120 days and the Syrian refugee program indefinitely.

"Not allowing countries or refugees into America is not right, and we must stand with those who are affected," Chesky tweeted on Sunday.

Early Monday morning, who would be open to hosting refugees and stranded travellers for free.

"Airbnb is working with partners around the world to support refugees and those who may have unexpectedly been affected by the recent travel ban into the United States. If you would like to help by hosting these people for free, please add your listing here. If needed, we will reach out to you over the coming days to verify availability and request your support," reads the explainer.

The move was largely applauded by Chesky's followers. His original tweet has been liked more than 187,000 times and retweeted 110,000 times.

Along with existing hosts, non-hosts also offered their support.

"If there's anything I can contribute to help that happen let me know. Happy to pay hosts who offer housing," tweeted .

Predictably, however, not all are happy with Airbnb's move, with some calling Chesky out for not offering to do the same for veterans and domestic homelessness.

"Open doors brings all of US together. Closing doors further divides US. Let's all find ways to connect people, not separate them," Chesky tweeted.