While British Prime Minister Gordon Brown has been known as a firm leader and a durable political player over his career, his playbook has often been seen as deficient in one key area: charisma.

But if an upcoming media appearance is any indication, it would appear that Brown is attempting to open up to voters and show off his soft side -- something he has been loathe to do in years previous.

In earlier statements, Brown has said that keeping his children out of the spotlight has been intentional, as he didn't want his family to become "props" for his political career.

But on Sunday night, an in-depth, hour-long chat with Brown and his wife Sarah will air on ITV's "Piers Morgan's Life Stories." The interview is expected to touch on several personal subjects, including the death of the couple's infant daughter nine years ago.

During the segment, which was partially released before the airing, Brown is nearly moved to tears as he describes how his young child passed away only 10 days after her birth because of a brain hemorrhage.

The interview is expected to be part of a new approach for Brown, who took over from his predecessor Tony Blair in 2007.

Ahead of a general election this year, Brown has faced intense pressure from his party to win the support of female voters, and there are suggestions that the personal approach is an attempt to put forward a softer image.

After all, Brown has yet to face the electorate in a general election, and with the Labour Party slumping in the polls, he could certainly use a boost. An election will likely be called within weeks.

According to former advisor Lance Price, Brown's move to appeal to middle class females couldn't come at a more important time.

"He wants to show there is more to him than the gruff, grumpy workaholic that is probably the image most people have of him," said Price.

Still, the interview contained some awkward moments as the prime minister speaks about how he proposed to his wife.

Brown even concedes in the interview that he hasn't done the best job of selling his personal side to the British public.

Sarah Brown, meanwhile, has taken on the task with aplomb, especially through her Twitter profile and through a recent appearance in the popular British chatroom Mumsnet.

During the chat, she was asked about her Valentines Day plans with her dear husband (DH).

Responding to the query, she wrote: "I am leaving DH to make the plans for Valentine's Day -- he is surprisingly romantic (for a Scot and a Man)."

With a report from CTV's Janet Dirks