TORONTO - Conrad's Black first year in prison has been surprisingly pleasant but he remains hopeful for his release and convinced of his innocence.

Black's longtime friend Brian Stewart says the convicted former media mogul has managed to make his time in prison not only bearable but intellectually stimulating by using his skills to teach other inmates, write books and articles and learn to play the piano.

Black went to jail in Florida a year ago Tuesday after he was convicted of fraud and obstruction of justice in a Chicago court.

Stewart says Black remains optimistic about the possibility of clearing his name if the U.S. Supreme Court decides to hear his appeal.

Black's biggest frustrations, Stewart says, have had nothing to do with prison.

He's most angry about what he considers the destruction of his former Hollinger International media group since charges were brought against him more than three years ago. Stewart says Black believes his case was an unfair prosecution by a broken U.S. justice system.

And while his time in jail hasn't come without hardships like dreary living conditions and menial work, Black hasn't had any trouble with other inmates. He also sees his wife Barbara Amiel Black as often as possible.

Black is one year into a 6 1/2-year sentence after his 2007 conviction.

His former business associate David Radler was paroled late last year after serving 10 months of a 20-month prison term for fraud he received after he testified against Black.