While his wife works to earn votes in Ohio ahead of Tuesday's Democratic primary, former president Bill Clinton is preparing to head to Toronto to plug his newest foreign aid initiative on Saturday.

The Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative was formed in June 2007 to create sustainable development in Latin American countries where natural resources dominate the economy.

Clinton, who has addressed thousands since hitting the speaking circuit after leaving his role as president in 2001, is set to speak at Toronto's Westin Harbour Castle Convention Centre at a fundraiser for the project.

  • Clinton's speech will be streamed live on CTV.ca, beginning at 9 p.m. ET, with video on demand available shortly afterwards.

The project developed out of a partnership between the Clinton Foundation, which funds aid projects around the world, and Vancouver mining financier Frank Giustra, who has pledged $100 million to the project, plus half of his future earnings from the natural resources sector.

"CGSGI will work with companies, governments, and non-governmental organizations to strengthen health, education, and other basic services and grow local businesses that create jobs and increase incomes in communities in which mining operations exist, to help sustain local prosperity and growth long after mines are closed," says a written statement about the event.

The initiative has raised more than $300 million so far.

Giustra, a member of the Clinton Foundation's board of directors, is an active philanthropist, having donated to initiatives including the Nelson Mandela Foundation and the Vancouver Children's Hospital. 

Clinton has proven extremely popular among Canadians on visits here in the past. During his 2004 promotion tour for autobiography "My Life," crowds eager to see the charismatic former president filled the block surrounding the Toronto bookstore where he was signing copies of the poorly-reviewed text.

He also appeared at the 2007 Ontario Economic Summit in Niagara-on-the-Lake, Ont.

More details on how the Clinton Giustra Sustainable Growth Initiative will spend its money are expected at Saturday's event.