Didn't Carrie already make her decision to choose Mr. Big over Aidan a long time ago? Apparently not. In the upcoming "Sex and the City 2" movie Carrie runs into Aidan while on vacation with the girls in Abu Dhabi and wonders if it's a sign. And with the hot desert winds and an even hotter-looking Aidan, will this mean she has to decide all over again?

Even though Carrie and Big got married in the first "Sex and the City" movie two years ago, the trailer for "SATC 2" indicates the couple might have lost their "sparkle." It doesn't help that we see Big talking to a sultry Penelope Cruz for one fleeting moment in the trailer.

As we anxiously wait to see whether Carrie cheats on Big with Aidan -- as she did on Aidan with Big -- here's a look at the two loves of her lives and why she can't seem to let either of them go.

Choice #1: "Mr. Big"

Even though it took Big six seasons to admit Carrie was "the one" for him, Carrie pretty much knew from Day 1. After meeting him in the very first episode of the series, Carrie spent years trying to get close to Big – even when they were together.

The emotionally unavailable Big had trouble committing and it's the reason Carrie broke up with him the first time.

But his draw to Carrie was just as strong as hers and the two had an affair while Big was married to the much-younger Natasha.

It meant the end of Carrie and Aidan's relationship, but good old reliable Aidan took her back and even proposed.

But Carrie broke off her engagement with Aidan and "the perfect life" that would come with it.

Along the way, Carrie has always compared everyone she's with to Big and things have always been the most passionate with him. He's always accepted her for who she was and did come through when it really mattered (like going all the way to Paris to win her back from "The Russian").

And even though he flaked out in the first movie and left her at the altar, she accepted his apology and married him for as long as they both shall live. Or so we thought.

Choice #2: "Aidan"

Unlike Big, Aidan never had a problem committing to Carrie.

The furniture designer knew he wanted to be with her. It was Carrie who got cold feet and well, acted like Mr. Big in the relationship.

The stable relationship with Aidan was everything Carrie thought she wanted but yet she was still drawn to Big.

As kind and attentive as Aidan was, he never quite got her the way Big did. He didn't fully understand why she couldn't just quit smoking, why she would need her space when he moved in and why she didn't feel comfortable at his rustic country cabin.

He did forgive her for having an affair with Big but he wouldn't wait for her when she said she wasn't ready to get married.

Comfortable and reliable, there was just never any fire with Aidan like Carrie had with Big.

The last we saw of Aidan he had married a fellow furniture designer and had a son. Even though Carrie made plans to meet him for a coffee, it was a date they both knew they'd never keep.

Who should she choose?

As nauseating as it is to think about yet another Carrie and Big breakup and reunion, Big is still the one Carrie should end up with -- regardless of what happens with Aidan.

But if Carrie and Big do break up, it at least gives the writers some material for a third movie. Heck, they might even bring Berger back.