After you have been on a long flight your body may be suffering from a variety of aches and pains. Fitness expert Libby Norris has some tips to ensure you you step off the plane feeling as good as you did when you boarded the flight.

Heel Toe Presses and Circles -- (Lower body and circulation )

While seated on the plane:

1. Pull toes up and down - 10 times up and down

2. Circle the feet around from the ankle - 10 times in one direction and then 10 times the other way

Knee to Chest Lift or Hug -  (Lower body and circulation)

While seated on the plane:

1. Lift knees toward chest - 10 times each leg

2. Lift knees and tuck in to chest - 10 times each leg

Leg Extensions -  (Lower body and circulation)

While seated on the plane:

1. Extend legs out and in - 10 times each leg

Reverse the Curve -  (Low back, upper back, chest & hips)

While standing upright with feet slightly apart:

1. Place palms in hollow of lower back

2. Focus eyes on a point straight ahead (keeping chin down)

3. Bend backward using hands to support lower back (do not lock knees)

4. Hold for five to ten seconds and return to starting position

5. Repeat three to five times

"Executive Stretch" (Upper back, chest & shoulders) :

While sitting upright in chair...

1. Clasp hands behind head (elbows aligned with ears)

2. Press elbows back as far as possible, squeeze shoulder blades together

3. Relax and repeat three times

Head Tilt & Turn - (Head & neck)

While sitting upright with shoulders relaxed slowly:

1. Lower head to shoulder, hold and repeat to other side

2. Turn head to look over shoulder and repeat to other side

3. Lower chin to chest and return to starting point

4. Repeat sequence three to five times

On flights over three to four hours, try to move and stretch every hour. When you arrive at your destination, take a 20 minute stroll to get your blood moving again.