MILAN - Car sales in Europe have contracted, albeit only slightly, for the first time since rebounding from the industry's longest-ever slump.

The European auto manufacturers' association, ACEA, reported Thursday that car sales declined 0.02 per cent in October to 1.1 million units. That was the first October sales decline since 2012, during the industry's six-year crisis.

Sales were down in two of the top markets, dropping by 5.6 per cent in Germany and 4 per cent in France. Italy grew by nearly 10 per cent while Spain was up by 4 per cent and Britain up by a modest 1.4 per cent.

Among mass-market carmakers, Fiat Chrysler showed a healthy 7 per cent growth, while larger competitors Renault, PSA Peugeot and Volkswagen all contracted. Luxury carmakers BMW and Daimler had boosts.