CAIRO, Egypt - Al Qaeda's No. 2 Ayman al-Zawahri warned of "traitors" among insurgents in Iraq and called on Iraqi Sunni Arab tribes to purge those who help the Americans in a new videotape posted Monday on the Web.

Al-Zawahri's comments were aimed at undermining so-called "awakening councils" -- the groups of Iraqi Sunni tribesmen that the U.S. military has backed to help fight al Qaeda in Iraq and its allies.

Some Sunni insurgent groups have fought alongside American forces, and the U.S. military has touted the councils as a major factor in reducing violence in war-torn regions like Iraq's Anbar province.

In the 90-minute video, al-Zawahri warned of the "presence of hypocrites and traitors among the ranks of the mujahedeen working and fighting for the Americans."

The mujahedeen "must throw out the bribe-taking collaborators from among their ranks, those who sold out their faith and fight under the banner of the cross. They must expose them to the Muslim world," al-Zawahri said. "Those who support the Americans are despicable scum," he said.

"The tribe or clan that does not cleanse itself of traitors and apostates will be remembered in history for generations as one of the collaborators and traitors," he warned. "But any clan or tribe that defends Islam and crushes traitors ... will be remembered in Arab history with pride and glory."

The video was made in the form of an interview of al-Zawahri by Al-Sahab, the media arm of al Qaeda.  Al-Zawahri -- wearing a white turban and robes -- sat in front of shelves of Islamic theology and law books, answering questions from an unseen interviewer.

Earlier this month, the Islamic State of Iraq -- the insurgent coalition in Iraq linked to al Qaeda --announced a new campaign against members of awakening groups.

The founder of the awakening movement, Abdul-Sattar Abu Risha, was killed in a bombing in September in Ramadi 10 days after meeting President Bush at a U.S. base in Anbar. Fifteen people were killed that same month when a suicide bomber struck a U.S.-sponsored reconciliation of Shiite and Sunni tribal sheiks.

At the same time as the awakening councils have arisen, the Islamic State of Iraq has faced disputes with other insurgent groups that continue to fight the Americans.

In an October message, al Qaeda chief Osama bin Laden called on Iraqi insurgents to unite and said all groups -- including al Qaeda in Iraq -- should admit mistakes and resolve differences.

Al-Zawahri on Monday took a tougher stance, saying insurgents should focus on purging "traitors" rather than making accusations against the Islamic State of Iraq.

Al-Zawahri said the Americans have failed in Iraq and will withdraw soon.

"The American forces are defeated and looking for a way out. Their government is faced with an incredible popular demand to withdraw," he said, adding that the U.S. forces would abandon Iraqi troops "to their fate."

"No matter how much the gigantic propaganda machine in America tries to deceive the people, the reality is stronger and worse than all the deceptions," al-Zawahri said.

The U.S. general responsible for the ground campaign in Iraq said Sunday that violence in the country is at its lowest levels since the first year of the American invasion, which began in 2003.

Al-Zawahri also denounced predominantly Shiite Iran, accusing it of backing the U.S. occupation of Iraq because of Tehran's backing for the Shiite-led Baghdad government.

He criticized Iran's Lebanese ally, Hezbollah, saying the Shiite guerrilla group was more concerned with liberating Lebanese land than freeing the Palestinians from Israeli rule.

He called Palestinian President Mahmoud Abbas an American tool and accused him of "selling Palestine."

And he also criticized Egypt, saying it had become a "base for the crusader campaign against the mujahedeen."