BAIE-SAINT-PAUL, Que. - Parti Quebecois Leader Pauline Marois will have to fight for a seat in the provincial legislature in next month's byelection northeast of Quebec City.

The Action Democratique du Quebec has decided to run Conrad Harvey in the riding of Charlevoix, where the ADQ came second in last March's provincial election.

The Sept. 24 byelection is being held after PQ member Rosaire Bertrand stepped down to allow Marois to try to get a seat in time for the fall resumption of the legislature.

Bertrand, who has held the riding since he was first elected in 1994, beat Harvey by 1,663 votes in the recent Quebec election.

The ADQ candidate says he consulted the local population before making his decision to run.

Citing parliamentary tradition, the Liberals have said they will not run a candidate.