ST. JOHN'S, N.L. - A Newfoundland health board executive says a 2003 memo that warned of problems at a lab that processed botched breast cancer tests wasn't consistent with statements made by a board official four years later.

Board chairwoman Joan Dawe, testifying at a public inquiry, was asked about the memo, which said testing problems would "surely jeopardize patient care."

Dawe says that statement wasn't consistent with comments made last year by Eastern Health Authority CEO George Tilley.

In 2007, Tilley said nothing was done about the testing in 2003 because there was no concern about the accuracy of the lab's testing.

The inquiry is examining how 383 patients were given inaccurate results on their tests and whether Eastern Health responded to them and the public in an appropriate and timely manner.

The tests are a valuable tool that doctors use in determining the course of treatment for breast cancer patients.