Ontario Premier Dalton McGuinty will meet with California Governor Arnold Schwarzenegger to sign deals that will boost stem cell research and curb climate change.

McGuinty is expected to announce that $30 million from the Ontario Institute for Cancer Research will be earmarked for the Cancer Stem Cell Consortium of researchers in Ontario and California.

Sources within the government say the new stem cell deal will be signed at the MaRS Discovery District research centre in Toronto on Tuesday, The Canadian Press reported.

Schwarzenegger is a leading advocate of stem cell research because he believes it will lead to medical breakthroughs to treat deadly diseases.

U.S. President George Bush and most of Schwarzenegger's other Republican colleagues are opposed to stem cell research because embryos are destroyed in the research process.

McGuinty and Schwarzenegger will also sign a deal to curb climate change at the Ontario legislature on Wednesday.

The clean-air agreement will aim to cut the amount of carbon generated by fossil fuels to help lower greenhouse gas emissions.

While the visit between the two politicians will be mostly business, there will also be a bit of friendly betting.

McGuinty and Schwarzenegger have placed a wager on the Stanley Cup finals, which begin on Monday night.

McGuinty is betting his hometown team, the Ottawa Senators, will beat the Anaheim Ducks in the series.

Schwarzenegger is wagering a custom-made jacket made by a California designer and a selection of California produce and wines.

The Ontario premier has decided to wager a one-month supply of Tim Horton's coffee, Ontario wines and a Roots sweater.

"It's wonderful to see my hometown buzzing with excitement and we look forward to sharing a great series with Anaheim fans," McGuinty said in a statement.

With files from the Canadian Press