Trees are the most under appreciated asset in our towns and cities. I say this as there are so many attributes that trees 'bring to the table' that are simply overlooked.

Think about this:

  • Trees slow vehicular traffic
  • Trees increase pedestrian traffic
  • Trees reduce crime
  • Trees increase outdoor play time activity in communities by making them cooler, cleaner and safer (see 'reduced crime') Trees capture toxins from rain water
  • Trees prevent errosion and produce oxygen
  • Trees remove carbon from the air
  • Trees cool the atmosphere by five to 12 degrees through photosynthesis and the transpiration of water

We need to plant more trees, maintain the ones that we have and above all we need to celebrate the fact that we live in a nation where we can grow great trees and where we have a diverse tree heritage.

Other than that, I don't have an opinion on the matter.
