The concept that gardening has theraputic benefits is not a new one. However the refinement of 'gardening as therapy' has evolved recently into a whole industry. It is called 'horticultural therapy' and evidence of the many benefits of this new disipline (for which you can go to school and earn a certificate... go to ) are as close as the 'therapy garden' at K Wing of Sunnybrook Hospital in Toronto.

Here, over 500 Canadian veterans of the 2nd World War and the Korean War enjoy the calm and healing surroundings of mature trees, flowers, herbs and even some vegetables that they take responsibilty for growing (with help from volunteers and staff.) Perhaps greater than the passive pleasure that they receive from being in the garden is the satisfaction of actually planting and growing it.

My own Uncle Tom Cullen is one of the many residents here that takes part in the seasonal propagation, soil prep, planting and weed pulling that helps to create an atmosphere that draws many of the residents and their guests to this space for six or seven months of the year.
