Planting this time of year is a bit tricky as you have to know if you are in a ‘frost free' zone or not.

For Canadian gardeners that are, you are free to plant any plant that loves the heat or not!

For those who are not, there is a huge list of plants that are winter hardy and that will take the light frost that may occur before your frost free date.

All perennials, shrubs, trees, evergreens and roses can go in the ground this weekend. The only plants that you would be wise to hold off planting for now are frost tender vegetables and annual flowering plants.

For some plants it is wise to wait until the ground warms to about 18 C or above before planting. Impatience, tomatoes, peppers and corn fall into this category. Not only does cold or cool soil slow the germination rate down but the abundant quantity of rain that has fallen this spring can cause these plants to rot before the germinate. This is especially true of plants that are sown from seed.
