A former cardiologist who killed his two children in 2009 shows no signs of mental illness and is an "ideal" candidate for release, a psychiatrist testified at a hearing Thursday.

Dr. Louis Morrissette told a mental health review panel at Montreal's Pinel Institute that Guy Turcotte, 39, no longer poses a danger to himself or the public.

A jury found Turcotte not criminally responsible for killing his children - Anne-Sophie, 3, and Olivier, 5 - in 2009 because he was too distraught over the breakup of his marriage and didn't remember committing the act.

He admitted he killed his children, but denied intent.

The five-member panel will eventually decide whether Turcotte should be freed, released with conditions, or remain detained in the psychiatric institution with a yearly review of his file.

Morrissette has interviewed Turcotte extensively over the last few years to evaluate both his mental state and whether he's a danger to himself or others, CTV Montreal's Derek Conlon said Thursday.

"Dr. Morrissette said not only is Guy Turcotte an ideal candidate but he's no longer the person he was in 2009 when he killed his children," Conlon said from outside the institution.

Turcotte's ex-wife, Isabelle Gaston, told CTV Montreal she couldn't believe the testimony she heard at the hearing Thursday morning.

"She said she respects Dr. Louis Morrissette, however, she says he can be wrong and she feels that if her ex-husband were to be released, she would be at risk and others would be as well," Conlon said.

The hearing continues Thursday and is expected to wrap up Friday.