WASHINGTON - Defence Minister Peter MacKay has more high level meetings lined up in Washington today.

He'll be talking to two Democrats who lead the House Armed Services committee -- Michigan Senator Carl Levin and Missouri representative Ike Skelton.

Skelton recently called on America's NATO allies to provide more assistance in Afghanistan.

Yesterday, MacKay met with U.S. Defence Secretary Robert Gates at the Pentagon.

After the meeting, he said winning the war in Afghanistan would take more than just military might.

MacKay said it will require building the capacity of the Afghan government to deliver more to Afghan people and to train Afghan security forces to a level where they can protect the country's citizens.

MacKay also qualified Prime Minister Harper's recent pronouncement that the war in Afghanistan is not winnable.

He said Afghanistan has probably always had an insurgency of some kind and always will -- but the Afghan government can be made capable of managing the insurgency.