Lindsay Lohan will not face grand theft felony charges today.

It had been claimed the troubled actress would be charged over the alleged theft of a $2,500 necklace from California-based boutique Kamofie & Company but the District Attorney's office insist nothing will happen yet.

Spokesperson Jane Robinson said: "Nothing will be filed today."

However, it is not believed Lindsay, 24, will avoid being charged over the incident, with insiders claiming paperwork will be submitted later this week.

A source told "Charges will be filed against Lindsay this week. There are just some minor housekeeping issues to get ironed out on the case before it's filed."

Los Angeles Police Department detectives initially obtained a warrant to search the troubled star's Venice Beach home last Tuesday after store owners became concerned about the whereabouts of the necklace.

There is believed to be security camera footage showing the ‘Machete' star wearing the piece as she left the store.

However, Lindsay - who completed 14 days of a 90-day jail sentence in July 2010 after breaking the terms of probation for her 2007 conviction for driving under the influence (DUI) - has reportedly claimed she borrowed the necklace with the owner's consent.

Her father Michael Lohan explained: "This has been a very stressful time, none of us need this added stress to our lives. I'm not going to let people continue to distort things: Lindsay never stole a necklace."

Lindsay was released from a three-month court-ordered rehab stay in early January - her fifth visit to a treatment facility - and is currently on probation until her next court hearing on February 24.

If she is charged over the theft, she could be found in breach of her probation and sent back to jail.