Lindsay Lohan is reportedly struggling to cope with "anxiety" over a pending court case.

The 'Machete' actress is said to be making "remarkable progress" at the Betty Ford Centre, where she will continue to receive treatment for substance abuse until January, but both the 24-year-old star and her medical team are said to be concerned about a forthcoming civil case, which stems from her 2007 driving under the influence (DUI) arrest.

Lindsay allegedly chased Michelle Peck, the mother of her former assistant, and her passenger Tracie Rice and both women are planning to sue for damages for assault and negligence, along with the three men in the car the actress used to follow the vehicle.

A source said: "The case will be likely going to trial next April, and it is causing Lindsay a great deal of anxiety.

"Lindsay is taking responsibility for her actions, but this group of people just won't be happy until they can drag Lindsay's name through the mud. Lindsay's legal team has made reasonable settlement offers, but those have been rejected."

"Her team are working with Lindsay to specifically deal with the anxiety, and the stress she is feeling about this. Lindsay and her doctors don't want this to have a negative impact on her sobriety. If this was anyone else besides Lindsay Lohan, this lawsuit never would have been filed."

As well as suffering with anxiety over the prospect of the court case, Lindsay is said to be particularly worried about the financial impact of the claims.

The source told "The fact is Lindsay has no money. The amount of money they are seeking is outrageous. Lindsay could be on the hook for punitive damages, and that is causing her even more concern. Lindsay is scheduled to begin filming 'Inferno' early next year and she will show up to court to when the trial begins. Lindsay will do what is asked of her."