As little ghoulish ghosts and cackling witches prepare to take to the streets in search of candy, a group in the U.S. is calling for Halloween to be moved to a different date.

requesting the holiday be celebrated on the last Saturday of October instead of Oct. 31.

“It’s time for a Safer, Longer, Stress-Free Celebration!†the petition said.

The organization cites safety concerns as a primary reason why Halloween should be held on a Saturday instead of a weekday evening.

“Unfortunately, a lot of children are injured every year from car accidents and other related injuries,†Kevin Johnson, a representative from the association, told CTV Ottawa on Tuesday. “If trick-or-treating was on a Saturday, we could start earlier. It would be a whole fun day.â€

The petition’s concern for safety supports that found that pedestrians have a 43 per cent higher risk of being fatally struck by a vehicle on Halloween than on a typical autumn evening.

What’s more, children were the most at risk on Halloween night with those aged four to eight 10 times more likely to be killed by a vehicle, according to the study.

The U.S. petition advises parents to talk about safety, such as planning a route and staying on sidewalks, with their children before they head out for the night. The group said adults should even consider dressing up in costumes and joining their families for trick-or-treating to ensure they’re safe.

As of Wednesday morning, the petition has received more than 38,000 signatures of its 50,000 target.

Lynn Tremblay, a woman from Ottawa who signed the petition, said moving Halloween to Saturday would give her more time to prepare for it.

“Saturday would be much better for me as I love to over decorate and this year I have to work and have no time. But Saturday it would be the best, no more worries,†she commented.