After Kate Middleton emerged from the hospital less than 10 hours after giving birth to a baby girl on Saturday, many social media users were stunned by how well put-together the Duchess of Cambridge looked.

Mommy Blogger Melissa Charles, owner of the website , that Middleton looked "incredible" and was blown away by the fact that she was walking without a limp.

Charles says that many people likely feel bad that Middleton was expected to look her best because of the spectacle surrounding the birth of British royalty.

"The fact that she needed to be so put together, a lot of folks feel a certain sympathy … for her because even if you have a really, really easy birth it is still a major event," Charles said.

But Charles does not believe that Middleton's appearance will increase the pressure on new mothers to look their best so quickly after a birth.

"I think folks do understand that she has a lot of people standing behind her and helping her out and that her situation is not the norm," .

"I'm willing to bet that she probably … wished that she had a normal situation where she was able to snuggle down and be with her babies and relax," she added.

The baby princess, who weighed in at 8 pounds, 3 ounces (3.7 kilograms), is fourth in line to the British throne.

The birth has captivated much of Britain, and Charles says she has been impressed by Middleton's ability to handle stress of the event.

"She did it with grace and she did it with dignity, (and) I think that says a lot about her personal character and strengths," said Charles.