Sometimes, just when the news cycle hits a depressing low, or the Twittersphere is at its worst, a video comes along that manages to distract and unify.

A video recipe held the Internet captive in horrified fascination over the weekend, as more than 19 million people watched a demonstration of how to make a deep-fried BBQ chicken stuffed pizzadilla.

On Thursday, Twitter user @_kurlykay and asked, “okay but I just wanna know WHY?????â€

The video was then by Yashar Ali, an influential journalist with a large following, with the comment, “I’m calling the FBIâ€.

The recipe, which called, begins innocuously enough, with a typical mix of spices to prep for a chicken rub. Looks tasty, right? The chicken gets shredded after baking, and more ingredients are added. So far, so good. Some may even be tempted to give the recipe a try.

But unexpectedly, the recipe keeps going. And going. As : “This had more twists than a season of American Horror Story.â€

Ali’s post racked up more than 172,000 likes, 38,800 retweets, and 52,000 comments so far, while @_kurlykay’s garnered more than 18,100 likes and 4,200 retweets.

to Ali’s tweet: “More like FDA, HHS, CDCâ€

Nick Lehmann , likening the video to his past relationships. “Starts out, oo interesting, okay no this is great...wait wait wait, you see some ugly s***, try to fix it, gets worse and worse, you just can’t look away/leave, and what was once fantastic is now a complete f***ing disasterâ€

Not everyone was revolted, however. , “Yashar. I’m going to be honest … I would eat the hell out of this.â€

The Guardian estimated the , based on “hasty calculations†using a meal calculator, and not including the calories that come from deep-frying, and other items.

Shay Spence, , did the internet a favour and decided to make the recipe and document his journey online, from (total came to US$79.60, ) to eating. He started at 6:22 p.m. on Sunday and Twitter followed along - for nearly seven hours - in delight, .

When he took the final dish out of the oven, , “CRAP this looks fantastic to me nooooooooâ€

at around 1 a.m. Monday.

There’s a video clip of him gagging.

“I expected to like it in a gross-good kind of way," he tweeted. "But the mixture of the sweet bbq sauce, the pizza sauce and the dill sour cream....:,,,,,;;; truly one of the most vile things I’ve ever eaten.
