Bathing in Iceland's Blue Lagoon has emerged the most popular bucket-list travel experience among millennials in a new survey.

After polling 5,000 young people around the world aged 18-35, youth travel outfit Contiki compiled “The No Regrets Travel List†which reveals the top 20 most coveted holiday experiences for 2017 among millennials.

At the top of the heap is the Blue Lagoon, a milky blue pool of mineral-enriched bathing waters with purported health and skin-healing properties, set against Iceland's dramatic backdrop.

The water is self-cleansing and renews itself every 40 hours.

It's not surprising to see Iceland at the top of the list, given the country's soaring popularity as a travel destination.

Thanks to aggressive and innovative tourism campaigns, Iceland has become top of mind among nature lovers and adrenaline junkies in recent years and expects to welcome two million tourists in 2017 -- five times the number it received in 2010. For perspective, the population of the country is 332,000.

Iceland's starring role in the wildly popular series "Game of Thrones†has also helped feed the mythology of the country's landscape, often described as the land of fire and ice.

Here are the top 20 travel experiences among millennials for 2017:

1. Bathe in the Blue Lagoon in Iceland

2. See the Great Pyramids of Giza (Egypt)

3. Walk the Great Wall of China

4. Chill out on the beach in Byron Bay (Australia)

5. Learn how to make pizza in Italy

6. Road trip along Route 66 (U.S.)

7. Gondola ride in Venice (Italy)

8. Kiss at the Eiffel Tower (Paris, France)

9. Watch sea turtles lay their eggs in Costa Rica

10. Picnic in the French countryside

11 . Party in Las Vegas (U.S.)

12. Visit Yosemite National Park (U.S.)

13. Watch the sunrise over Uluru (Australia)

14. Snorkel the Great Barrier Reef (Australia)

15. See the Mona Lisa (Paris, France)

16. Try all the gelato in Rome (Italy)

17. See the Grand Canyon by helicopter (U.S.)

18. Cuddle a koala in Queensland (Australia)

19. Zipline through the rainforest in Costa Rica

20. Ride a bike through Amsterdam (Netherlands)